It’s a matter of perspective …
What do you notice about these two world maps? How are they different from the traditional way of depicting landmass and bodies of water?
The maps that we are used to seeing are based on the 16th Century maps first drawn up by Gerardus Mercator, a Flemish cartographer. Even though our knowledge of the world’s geography has evolved in the last few centuries, it seems our collective consciousness has some catching up to do.
The colonial and imperial view of the world, with Western Europe as the center of the world, was (and I would argue, still is) that all other countries and their peoples were considered inferior and “uncivilized”. These were useful tools invented to dehumanize people, so that these colonizing powers could take what they wanted, including people, to enrich themselves.
Are you surprised to find that the maps of the world that we still use today are inaccurate depictions both in terms of proportions (to one another) and of the size of the high latitude countries?
The maps above are Peters world map projections, showing countries more accurately sized in proportion to one another. One shows a Pacific-centered map of the world, because why would we use Western Europe as the center of all maps as a reference point for people across our globe?
The Peters map projection has its critics, but the point is that once you become aware of this more accurate depiction of the world, you cannot possibly go back to looking at a “traditional” map in the same way.
You cannot “unknow” what you now know. You might even tell other people about it.
All this leads me to ask: where else in your life do you live with an outdated, entrenched, written-in-stone perspective, habit, or belief?
Where else do you assume that things are the way they are, because they have always been that way?
What do you assume about your neighbors, your colleagues, your friends, and your family?
What stories do you make up in your mind?
Where could you use empathy towards yourself, or towards others to allow your curiosity and openness of heart to lead you?
It can literally change your world.
I’d love to know where in your life you have noticed a need to bring more awareness, and what action you have taken after discovering a new perspective.